
Thursday, November 29, 2012


So I'm laying in bed trying to get to sleep "early"(at around 9:30ish or so) so that I feel rested for tomorrow, considering the next two weeks are going to be VERY long. And I can't fall asleep..
So I begin to pray, asking "God, what do you want?" you know, thinking that that is probably why I am still awake.. and his response to me was "Get on your computer."
 I didn't listen at first (of course) but decided that I would be way better off if I just listened to Him.
I got on my mac and where did he lead me? To Blogger. 
I'm guessing to start a blog. 
About what? I have no idea.
I don't find myself to be an interesting person..
But we shall see what He has planned. 
Here we go.