
About Me

So about me, my name is Shantal Haboud.
I'm currently 21 years old.
I was born in Quito, Ecuador.
I moved to the U.S. in 2000.
I attend California Baptist University.
I'm pursuing a bachelors in Journalism and Public Relations.
I do eventually want to pursue a masters.
I speak Spanish and English fluently.
I do love adventures.
I'm part of the choir and orchestra at CBU.
I enjoy singing.. A LOT.
I'm a big Disney fan.
I'm a chocoholic.
I've never had a pet, but I really want a dog someday (a big one).
I'm a huge fan of desserts.
I play the guitar.
I have a Facebook.
I do have an Instagram.
I love being around people.
I love to laugh (but who doesn't).
I like clothes.
I have two sisters and a brother.
I'm a quarter Lebanese.
I'm an Editor-in-Chief for my school's publications.
I'm a student leader here at CBU.
I love helping people.
Jeremiah 33:3 is one of my favorite verses.
So is Psalms 23:4 :)

Christ is the center of my life. 

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