
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Abiding in Christ

It has been a while..

A little update on my life:

I moved back to the CBU campus, for the last time as an undergrad student.

I started my job both as a Freshmen RA and as Editor in chief of our yearbook.

God is so intentional, he has placed the perfect people on both of my staff's, I love getting to work beside them for a common cause.

I quit choir... yes shocker, but I have been using my singing ability at Sandals church in Riverside and it has been a huge blessing/ learning opportunity.

I have been beat up by the enemy, he constantly feeds insecurities into my mind.

I have seen the hand of God deliver me of my insecurities on a daily basis, He has come to rescue me every single time.

I have learned more about time management and diligence.

I have learned that I love my freshmen girls a lot. They make me so happy! The fact that I get to live life with them, listen to them, and give them advice is the best.

Confession: I was really skeptical about God placing me to be a freshmen RA, I didn't think that I was the right person, and/ or had the right heart for it, but alas, here I am having the time of my life teaching them about the CBU culture and what Christ has for them.

I have felt the presence of Christ with me more than ever before, I can't do any of this without him, nor do I want to try.

I have learned that being obedient to God's will, as much as it hurts, is hard but utterly worth it.

I have learned that I can make a difference in someone's life, even with the small amount of time I have.

Reading my bible and having alone time with God has been a crucial aspect of my daily life.

I learned that the Holy Spirit intercedes, especially when I can't put my words together.

I have seen the power of prayer more apparent in my life and in the life of others.

I have seen God's joy take over moments of my life, "I've tested and I've seen."

In the past, I have never been one to be in touch with my emotions, it always took me a while to figure out how I was feeling and/or to even voice to others my emotions.

This isn't the case now... I am too aware of my emotions, and it weird.

As a girl, I have learned to give God control of my emotions because they are just too much to handle, and also I see them as a distraction. I know that with time I will come to understand more about the culture of emotions, but for now I really don't want to deal with them. As i'm typing this I'm thinking that maybe this is what God is trying to teach me? Oh boy.

Anyways this quote has taught me a lot about what I am learning:

"God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing."