
Monday, March 25, 2013

Breaking Spring

Ah spring break, the time that college students have to go crazy before their life is turned into a hole of stress and no sleep. Many students party, vacation with family, or just chill.  CBU gives us a week to prepare for this home stretch. It was a much needed break from all the busyness in my life. For my spring break I decided to take the first half of it to spend much needed time with my family, run errands and do any catching on homework. I was VERY productive; I got a hair trim, did my taxes, went to Starbucks, did my comparative religions midterm, hung out with my siblings, caught up on Once Upon a Time and New Girl, and I applied for internships.. So, technically I didn't take a break from the busyness... I brought it home with me. I'm the type of person who isn't good at relaxing.... ha
Anyways, so that's the first half.. the second half I got an AWESOME opportunity to spend some time
in Solana Beach, CA at one of my good friend's grandparents' beach house. The house was great!
The company was awesome as well. I love spending time with people, turns out that it's my love
language (quality time). We talked, watched movies, sat by the bonfire, walked along the beach and 
ate (a lot). Here are some of my favorite shots taken by Fletcher Perkins and myself.

Two of my best friends and I, standing on the lifeguard tower on Solana beach, it was a cloudy day, 
at the end of the day I was still as pale as can be ;) 

 My roommate & I

Jessica, myself, & Jackie
 We explored some caves that were along Solana beach. The guys that were with us are photographers,
they were going picture crazy. It was too cold to go in the water or to lay out, so we decided to just explore and take pictures.
Here's a picture of the house were we stayed. It was right on the edge of the cliff. It was great waking up and having my devotional with the beach as my scenery. 

Here's some of the gang (Scott, Jackie, Jess, Evelyn, and Nathan) in front of the house. These people are great :)

Ok, I know. There are a lot of pictures... we took so many. We decided that we would create a hashtag in order to document our trip. If you want to see more the hashtag is #fletcherscove2013sb.

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