
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Grand Canyon or Bust!

<--- Myself at the grand canyon :)

I am an enthusiast for adventure! This spur (sort of) of the moment trip was exactly what I needed!
I'm not going to lie, I was nervous about the 7 hour ride there and then the 7 hour ride back.
All you need is some good company, and you're set to go!  :)

The company: I got to experience the beauty of the Grand Canyon with my wonderful staff (the girls I work alongside with as a Resident Advisor at CBU). They are such an awesome group of girls. We all have such different personalities but we work together so well, and we always have so much fun!
I love taking the time to bond and live life with these great women.

Here are seven reasons why you should drive to the Grand Canyon.
Especially if you live in Socal :)

1. It gives you something to do! If you have at least two days with nothing planned, a mini road trip will fill in the time and give you an adventure!
2. You can get deep with the people in your car. Tired of the shallow conversations you have sometimes between friends? haha, Put them in a car with you for over 3 hours and you'll get them talking about their life (I love to talk to people, so for me this was the coolest thing!)
3. You can stop at cool places along the way or on the way back :) We stopped at cracker barrel, which I had never been to before. The food was delicious! Definitely going there again!
4. You can say you've been to one of the seven wonders of the world! Take that off your bucket list! ;)
5. You might take a killer profile picture (for your facebook, tumblr, Instagram, or whatever), the grand canyon makes a beautiful backdrop to any photo.
6. You can experience the grand canyon in so many different ways. You can hike it (which I plan on doing soon), you can go camping, you can ride donkeys down the canyon (how cool is that?), you can watch the sunrise/sunset (perfect for a date eh? ;), and you can just sit there and geek over its beauty!
7. Do it because it'll be a great story to tell. "I remember that one time in college when me and 9 other girls drove out to the grand canyon, watched the sunrise, went to cracker barrel, and drove back."
Of course your story will be different, but it'll still be an amazing story to tell :)

My beautiful staff, I love these girls so much! They have been such an encouragement to me, challenging in my faith and helping me grow closer to Christ. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Holi Festival

Ahhh the Holi festival. What a fun time that was! I had never done something like it before, and let me tell you, it was the best! I mean, what's more fun than throwing colored powder on your friends? It was a great way for us as a student body (at CBU) to become more culturally aware. Here are a couple of things that I learned from this experience.

#1- I love learning about other cultures. Being someone that comes from two cultures, I love getting to to experience other cultural rituals and customs. That includes food of course :)
#2- Make sure you get a darker colored powder such as blue, purple, or pink. The yellow and orange didn't show up so well.
#3- Don't run around with your mouth open. I made that mistake & was coughing up some powder later on.... haha ;)
#4- Wear white!! If you show up with a dark colored shirt the colors won't pop!
#5- Hide from your friends.... they'll get you in the face (at least my friends will).
#6- Have a camera! Capture before and after shots, its so much fun!
#7- Don't wash your clothes with other clothes (that don't have the powder on it already), it will bleed.
#8- Don't throw all your powder at once... you'll be left with no amo to attack.
#9 Bollywood is amazing! If you have a chance to watch it, do so!

I am so thankful that my school put these things together for us. Hinduism is practiced in part of the 10/40 window which is the window that is un-reached (meaning that the gospel has not been heard).
I realized that I needed to pray for the missionaries that are out there bringing the gospel in such a confused and lost land, and also continue to support them financially. And who knows? Maybe one day God will call me or one of my close friends to the 10/40 window. We must be educated & PRAY!

Here are some aftermath pictures..