
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Summer '13

It has been two months since summer break started.
Besides all the sleeping, lounging around and sunbathing (which I don't really get to do because I burn easily), this summer has been a life changing summer for me. 

After some unfortunate change of plans, I wasn't sure what would become of my summer. You see, I'm a very productive on-the-go person. However, this summer,  I was left without a plan. 

I was left without any responsibility, my summer was open for anything. 
I began praying for God to really use my summer as a time for me to grow and to prepare me for my busy senior year of college. 

Everything in my life began to dwindle down-- for the most part that isn't a bad thing, but for a person who loves to stay busy, it was.

So I quickly turned to look for something to do. I searched for jobs and internships, prayed about getting involved in a church (somewhere close to CBU where I could serve for the next years to come), started planning for the development of the yearbook and my staff, and sought to spend time with old friends and family. 

So far, God has answered all my prayers. Every single one of them. Without a doubt, He has blessed me. 

I started an internship with a local newspaper called The City News Group in the beginning of June. This internship has been such a blessing, an awesome learning experience. I have the privilege of writing, editing and taking photos for the paper. I get to go to different events within Redlands and report on these events. 
Then, my writing gets published! It's such an awesome feeling, seeing your writing printed and on newsstands.

I have decided to become a member at Sandals Church. Currently, I am working on finishing their membership classes
(These classes are awesome, they have taught me a lot their doctrine, you know, their foundation). 
God truly opened the doors for me to be a member at Sandals.
 It's a crazy long story, but if anyone wants to hear it, let me know :) 

Planning for Angelos, our school yearbook, has also been a task this summer. As Editor-in-Chief (EIC)
I have the privilege, along with the Art Director and Managing Editor,
 to come up with a theme that will represent our year. 
Also, this year we are really working with our leadership, to not only have a title, but also to influence (lead) our staff. 
It has been awesome to be working together, as a staff, to put this book of memories together. 
I am beyond excited for next year 
and for the wonderful staff that the Lord has provided. 
I'm also very thankful for my director and professor who will be mentoring me and 
working with me to be the best editor that I can be. 

It has also been really neat to spend time with people who seem to get neglected whenever I'm in school.
I promise, I don't do it on purpose. Sometimes it's hard to see some of my extended family and friends because of distance, 
but thankfully I have been able to spend precious moments with those people during this summer. 

I can say that even though things didn't go as planned, God had something better for me. He ALWAYS does. 
I always feel so discouraged when things don't go the way they were planned, but then the Lord reminds me that 
I must trust in him and in his perfect plan for me.

A reminder...  

Proverbs 16:9 "We can make our plans,
    but the Lord determines our steps"

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