
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Give more of yourself

For this post I wanted to talk about serving in a church community. 
I'd like to say that at a Christian Univeristy like Cal Baptist, it is a common act. Many spend part of their first year, as a student, visiting churches. 
After becoming a member, they typically choose a ministry to serve in. 

Some however, spend a lot of their time church hopping or simply attending.
I attend Sandals church in Grand Terrace, Calif. and I serve in the worship band. I volunteer at least once a month, lending my singing voice for the weekend. I recently started attending Sandals, and I didn't really know too many people there (because it's a big church) to begin with. 
Last weekend I was there rehearsing, singing, and getting to know those who attend and serve. I enjoyed my time so much. Serving was a breath of fresh air. I got so much out of my time, and I kept thinking, "Why doesn't everyone serve in a church?" 
Later, I sat down and came up with 4 reasons (not in a particular order) as to why people should serve at their church rather than just attend. Hopefully this encourages someone to get connected to a church. 
Your gift for His glory 
God has given everyone a specific gift. We, as believers are to use it for His glory. We are to do with our gifts whatever points to Him. 
The bible tells us in 1 Peter 4:10 (ESV), "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ." 
Building those bridges 
When you serve at a church you build relationships with those serving alongside you. 
You will begin to notice that those people that surround you will become your family and your support. 
Two weekends ago I probably spent a total of 14 hours at Sandals. I was around the same people for those hours, and I can say that relationships have developed and with confidence say that they will continue to develop as I serve.
The best way to connect with people at a big church is to invest your time. No way will you build relationships if you simply attend a service and go home.
Some of my closest friends, people that I even consider my family, have come from friendships I made while serving at a church. 
Serving to learn
Serving for the experience; when you use the talents that God has given you, you develop your skills. This is important for a college student. The church can be a great field to put to practice what is learned in school. 
For example, if you're studying graphic design, use that gift to design a logo for your small group, or to design the weekly announcements.
Not only that, but some churches offer internships where you can use your skills in your particular major, network with those around you, and build your resume. 
The hand of God
One of the biggest blessings that comes with serving, at least for me, has been seeing the work of God first hand. Christ wants us, as believers, to be part of the miracles that come to place in His temple.  God seeks to show us more of himself in order to understand who He is. Through serving, we enable Him to do His work through us. 

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