
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Break

Well its really weird for me to not have anything to do.
On a regular basis I spend most of the day on the go with only a lunch break and a dinner break.
But for the past two days all I've done is watch netflix and hulu, read, and play guitar/sing.
Its been a nice time to relax, but I'm already getting anxy... haha.

Other than the holidays I do have some stuff planned to keep me entertained. 
I will be going to Disneyland with most of my close friends on Thursday.
& then I have to work the rest of the weekend. 
A couple of Christmas celebrations in between and lots of catching up with old friends. 
Then a new years eve party at my church (this has been a tradition for the past 7 years). 
I'll also probably head down to Universal Studios with my sister sometime within the next two weeks. After that its back to school for me for the Leadership retreat and debriefing (i'll get to that later) 

This first semester of my Junior year has been a crazy one. 
This year I took on the leadership role of Resident Advisor at CBU, 
Assistant editor for our school's magazine (Pursuit) and yearbook (Angelos), 
and started singing with CBU's amazing choir and orchestra! 
First off, I'd like to say that this has been of a HUGE blessing. I really don't
deserve any of this. 
It has also been a big opportunity for growth. I have been 
stretched in so many ways throughout the past couple of months (and let me tell ya,
Im sure wore out) 
But in all honesty, this life is not mine, this life has been dedicated to Christ, 
so with whatever its is that I do, I will honor Him & please Him.
I know that from Him comes all my strength and that He will 
make all things work together for my good. 

I'm happy to announce that I got straight A's in all my classed this semester! 
This is a big accomplishment for me; Not only because its a 4.0,
but also because I didn't think I could do it, 
especially with everything that I have going on. 
Let me tell you, it took a lot of determination and organization and strength
from God to accomplish this. 

There's a bible verse that has been my motto for making it through this semester. 
The verse comes from Romans 12:12
It say's 
"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Finals & more.

Happy December!
As the semester is coming to a close, finals are around the corner.
This semester all my finals are projects.
In a way it's a good thing, but it can also be a bad thing.
I have 5 different projects and I know how to do all of them but 1.
You know, its from that one professor who didn't teach much throughout the semester
but then hands you a huge project and you're like
"how the heck do I do this?" Regardless, I am very thankful.
No exams for me! I hate exams.. I'm sure they hate me too.
This week is going to be intense. There is SO much going on. 
On another note, its almost Christmas! 
My playlist consists of nothing but holiday music. Mainly Buble.
PS. My favorite song on this album is Mis Deseos/Feliz Navidad           


Yesterday I got to go to Disneyland with some friends from CBU.
For some reason I am very fond of Disney.
 I don't know why, but God has given me a love for it.
I have the Southern California Annual Pass.
It's great, the only days I can't go are on Saturday, & I don't mind.
People always ask me why it is that I like Disney so much, 
and I never knew what to tell them. 
I just know that when I do go, I have tons of fun, 
No matter who I'm with. 
Disneyland was the place to go for me as a child.
I went with my parents and my aunt multiple times.
I had a annual pass for the longest time. 
I've gone with many different groups of people including
-My immediate family
-Family from Ecuador
-Family from that lives in the U.S. 
-Friends from church
-Friends from high school
-CBU peeps 
-Friends family
-4th grade field trip 
This place will always hold dear memories for me.
Memories that I hope to share with my future family.

:) Shantal 

Ps. my favorite ride there would have to be either tower of terror or California screamin